The fact is that Windows is still the most used OS, and therefore, the most targeted by those that have nothing else to do but maliciously create viruses.
If you decide to use Boot Camp it is less likely that you’ll get a virus, but it is still very possible.
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Some say that this is quite foolish as Macs can get viruses, but there are many Mac users that will counter with facts showing that these viruses are quite rare.

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If, however, you do not want to install an antivirus program because you are only using one program and are rarely going on the internet while in Windows, then you should at least try a few other things to keep your Mac safe.. Best use: For a relatively small number of users, using a fairly small and well-defined set of Windows apps that have been tested to install and run under CrossOver Mac VirtualBox 5.. You also need to consider that even if it may be more difficult for a virus to infiltrate through Boot Camp into your Mac OS, you could still easily be sharing the virus through emails or files which you may then open when using your Mac’s OS.. Keep Your Mac Safe with These Safety Tips Using an antivirus program is not the only way you can protect your operating systems.. Here is the video how well GTA 5 run on PC Information: Video Title: GTA 5 PC Emulator and GTA 5.. Not only are they rare, they also have a more difficult time intruding upon the Mac OS X due to the way Apple built it.. If you’re still in the planning stages of choosing a program to run Windows on Mac with, you may want to check out my article on which software will work best for you. 0041d406d9